Thursday, February 3, 2011

A little commentary on a little commentary...

The year is 2017, and it appears that the once-divided, tea-infused Republican Party was right.  “Obamacare” has failed, and it has been replaced by a fresh-faced, albeit nameless, health care bill that is warmly embraced by lawmakers left and right.   It is truly popular, receiving support from members of both major political parties, and its champion, a newly elected Commander-in-Chief, has touted it as the solution to the nation’s health care woes for nearly three decades.  She (that’s right, she) signs the bill into law, and finally, our people have cast aside the partisan rhetoric that once shackled and debilitated “Obamacare”, and our nation, now united behind a workable solution, steps forward into the light of a new day.
In his futuristic musing, “Health care's federal future, brought to you by the GOP,” Washington Post columnist Matt Miller offers an entertaining, arguably plausible, prediction of the future of state-sponsored health care.  He highlights major flaws in the GOP’s unyielding opposition to the current healthcare initiative, namely the failure to provide countermeasures that actually provide coverage for the vast number of Americans who need it.  In the end, Miller’s light-hearted jabs at partisan politics conclude with the resolution for which we are all hoping: a true, practical solution that is embraced by lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, that provides quality care for all Americans, and that finally lays to rest the unhealthy bickering that amounts to little more than salt on our system’s gaping wounds

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